This project is cofounded by the Life project number: LIFE18 ENV/SI/000673.
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 20 - 22.9.2022
Presentation of the LIFE Hidaqua project at the Eco Wave 2022 fair


During the period from 20.-22. September 2022, "Eco Wave 2022", the leading B2B fair in the field of environmental technologies in Slovenia, took place at the Economic Exhibition Center in Ljubljana. Eco Wave is the only B2B trade fair for environmental technologies in Slovenia and the CEE region. 

The fair discussed the topics of seven modules, such as drinking water and wastewater management, waste management and recycling, air quality, renewable energy sources, remediation of contaminated soils, environmental technologies and analytical and laboratory techniques, as well as information and communication technologies. The fair connected all of the above topics with sustainable development and the transition to a green economy.

The latest products, advanced environmental technologies and innovations were presented. The fair brought together representatives of the economy, research and educational institutions, and the professional public in one place, thus creating new business opportunities and enabling the exchange of experiences and ideas. 

At the presentation area of the European Union's LIFE program, representatives of the various projects supported by the LIFE program in Slovenia presented only these to the fair's visitors. As part of the regional program, lectures and round tables were organized for interested stakeholders the LIFE Hidaqua project was presented among others. The advantages of the system for providing clean water from alternative sources in industry and the key features of the innovative prototype system for cleaning and recycling industrial wastewater were highlighted.

More information about the event is available on the website: and