Other LIFE projects:
Project reference number: LIFE18 ENV/GR/000019 Project title: Demonstration of an advanced technique for eliminating coal mine wastewater (brines) combined with resource recovery Project acronym: LIFE BRINE-MINING Year: 2018 Amount of the EU co-financing: 3,508,365 EUR Duration: 01/09/2019-30/06/2024 Names of partners: The National Technical University of Athens, SEALEAU B.V., Lenntech, Glowny Instytut Gornictwa, Silesian University of Technology (SUT), THERMOSSOL, Titan Salt, NEVIS SA, Polska Grupa Gornicza S.A (PGG) Webpage: https://brinemining.eu/ |
Project reference number: LIFE18 ENV/ES/000165 Project title: Upgrading wastewater treatment plants by Low cost Innovative technologies for energy SElf-Sufficiency and full recycling Project acronym: LIFE ULISES Year: 2018 Amount of the EU co-financing: 1,041,810 EUR Duration: 01/07/2019- 30/06/2023 Names of partners: AQUALIA(Spain), CETIM(Spain), The Solar Energy Research Center (CIESOL) (Spain), ENERGYLAB(Spain) Webpage: http://www.life-ulises.eu/ |
Project reference number: LIFE17 ENV/SI/000119 Project title: Implementation of a new Circular Economy through the valorisation of postconsumer PLAstic waste and reclaimed pulp FIBer Project acronym: LIFE CEPLAFIB Year: 2017 Amount of the EU co-financing: 1,099,211 EUR Duration: 02/07/2018- 31/12/2021 Names of partners: Adria Mobil (Slovenia), OMAPLAST reciklaža plastike d.o.o. (Slovenia), FUNDACIÓN AITIIP (Spain), Ecopulp Finland Oy (Finland), Instytut Techniki Budowlanej (Poland) Webpage: https://ceplafib.eu |
Project reference number: LIFE16 ENV/ES/000171 Project title: Revalorization strategies within the circular economy for the use of citrus waste in green packaging and cosmetics Project acronym: LIFE CITRUSPACK Year: 2016 Amount of the EU co-financing: 1,025,795 EUR Duration: 01/07/2017- 31/12/2020 Names of partners: AMC INNOVA (Spain), EROSKI S. COOP. (Estonia), OWS (Belgium), PLASTIPOLIS (France), TECOS (Slovenia) Webpage: https://citruspack.eu |
FramWat |
Project reference number: Project title: Framework for improving water balance and nutrient mitigation by applying small water retention measures Project acronym: FramWat Year: Amount of the EU co-financing: 1,289,724.26 EUR Duration: 01/07/2017- 30/06/2020 Names of partners: Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie(Poland), The Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe(Hungary), Közép-Tisza-vidéki Vízügyi Igazgatóság(Hungary), Global Water Partnership Central and Eastern Europe(Slovakia), SLOVENSKÝ VODOHOSPODÁRSKY PODNIK, štátny podnik(Slovakia), LIMNOS doo, Podjetje za aplikativno ekologijo(Slovenia), WasserCluster Lunz – biologische Station GmbH(Austria), Hrvatske vode – pravna osoba za upravljanje vodama(Croatia), Univerza v Ljubljani(Slovenia) Webpage: https://www.interreg-central.eu/Content.Node/FramWat.html |
Project reference number: Project title: City Water Circles -Urban Cooperation Models for enhancing water efficiency and reuse in Central European functional urban areas with an integrated circular economy approach Project acronym: CWC - CITY WATER CIRCLES Year: Amount of the EU co-financing: 2,004,405.86 EUR Duration: 01/04/2019- 30/06/2022 Names of partners: Budapest Főváros XIV. kerület Zugló Önkormányzata(Hungary), Comune di Torino(Italy), Mariborski vodovod, javno podjetje, d.d. (Slovenia), Fachvereinigung Betriebs- und Regenwassernutzung e.V(Germany), Miasto Bydgoszcz (Poland), Poliedra - Centro di servizio e consulenza del Politecnico di Milano su pianificazione ambientale e territoriale(Italy), e-Zavod(Slovenia), Javna ustanova RERA SD za koordinaciju i razvoj Splitsko dalmatinske županije(Croatia), Vodovod i kanalizacija d.o.o. Split(Croatia), Fundacja Instytut na rzecz Ekorozwoju(Poland), Fővárosi Csatornázási Művek Zrt. (Hungary). Webpage: https://www.interreg-central.eu/Content.Node/CWC.html |
Aquares |
Project reference number: Project title: Water reuse policies advancement for resource efficient European regions Project acronym: Aquares Year: Amount of the EU co-financing: 1,544,231.20 EUR Duration: 01/06/2018- 31/05/2023 Names of partners: Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murca, Consejería de Agua, Agricultura, Ganadería, Pesca y Medio Ambiente, Dirección General del Agua(Spain), Województwo Łódzkie(Poland), Regionální rozvojová agentura Pardubického kraje(Czech Republic), Υπουργείο Περιβάλλοντος και Ενέργειας, Ειδική Γραμματεία Υδάτων(Greece), Oldenburgisch-Ostfriesischer Wasserverband(Germany), undación Instituto Euromediterráneo del Agua(Spain), Fondazione Lombardia per l'Ambiente(Italy), Agenzija ghall-Energija u l-Ilma(Malta), Občina Trebnje(Slovenia) |
Project reference number: LIFE18 ENV/SI/000056 Project title: BioTwine HOP waste transformation into novel product assortments for Packaging and Horticulture Sector Project acronym: LIFE BioTHOP Year: 2018 Amount of the EU co-financing: 1,055,945 EUR Duration: 01/07/2019-/06/2022 Names of partners: Portuguese Lankhorst Euronete Group, German Zelfo Technology, TRIDAS from Czech Republic, Spanish Tecnopackaging, Slovenian Technological centre TECOS and Development Agency Savinja Webpage: https://www.life-biothop.eu/sl/ |
LIFE DrainRain |
Project reference number: LIFE15 ENV/ES/000394 Project title: RunOff Water Purification from Pavements: A Novel Integral System of Pervious Concrete Pavement & Insitu Water Treatment Project acronym: LIFE DrainRain Year: 2015 Amount of the EU co-financing: 854,177 EUR Duration: 01/09/2016- 31/10/2022 Names of partners: PROYFE(Spain), Control y Estudios S.L.(Spain), COPASA(Spain), CETIM(Spain), PUERTO DE FERROL(Spain), VIAS(Spain) Webpage: http://www.lifedrainrain.com/en/home |
LIFE Solieva |
Project reference number: LIFE17 ENV/ES/000273 Project title: Circular economy applied to the treatment of table olives brines based on solar evaporation Project acronym: LIFE Solieva Year: 2017 Amount of the EU co-financing: 1,211,015 EUR Duration: 01/09/2018-31/12/2021 Names of partners: Citoliva(Spain), CTC(Spain), Eurecat(Spain), OLEAND(Spain), Pemete(Spain), Typsa(Spain) Webpage: https://www.lifesolieva.eu/en/ |
Project reference number: 776751 Project title: New Circular Economy Business Model for More Sustainable Urban Construction Project acronym: CINDERELA Year: Amount of the EU co-financing: 6,729,219 EUR Duration: 01/06/2018-30/11/2022 Names of partners: Zavod za gradbeništvo Slovenije (Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute), Bocconi University (Italy), BEXEL CONSULTING doo Beograd (Serbia), OPENCONTENT SOCIETA COOPERATIVA (Italy), FUNDACION TECNALIA RESEARCH & INNOVATION (Spain), NIGRAD KOMUNALNO PODJETJE DOO (Slovenia), Regionalna razvojna agencija za Podravje – Maribor (Slovenia), INSTYTUT EKOLOGII TERENOW UPRZEMYSLOWIONYCH(Poland), ASOCIACION DE EMPRESARIOS DEL HENARES (Spain), CTC SERVICIOS AMBIENTALES SL (Spain), TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITEIT DELFT (Netherlands), POLO TECNOLOGICO ALTO ADRIATICO ANDREA GALVANI SOCIETA' CONSORTILE PERAZIONI (Italy), KPLUSV ORGANISATIEADVIES BV (Netherlands), E2M BEHEER BV (Netherlands), 6 MAY DRUSTVO S OGRANICENOM ODGOVORNOSCU ZA KOMUNALNE USLUGE (Croatia), GRADEZEN INSTITUT MAKEDONIJA AD SKOPJE (North Macedonia) Webpage: https://www.cinderela.eu/ |
Project reference number: LIFE19 ENV/ES/000143 Project title: Environment-Energy-Economy Project acronym: LIFE 3E Year: 2019 Amount of the EU co-financing: 952,039 EUR Duration: 01/10/2020-30/09/2024 Names of partners: MARE S.A(Spain), APRIA Systems(Spain), El Centro de Investigación del Medio Ambiente (CIMA) (Spain), Technische Universität Darmstadt (TUDA) )(Germany), Universidad de Cantabria (UC) (Spain) Webpage: https://life3e.eu/ |
LIFE Waste2Coag |
Project reference number: LIFE20 ENV/ES/000430 Project title: Brine and metal wastes valorisation to produce coagulants for wastewater treatment. Project acronym: LIFE Waste2Coag Year: 2020 Amount of the EU co-financing: 860,360 EUR Duration: 01/10/2021-31/07/2024 Names of partners: Global Omnium Medioambiente , S.L., (Spain), Instituto Tecnológico Metalmecánico,mueble,madera,embalaje y afines (AIDIMME), (Spain), Aquafin NV, (Belgium), Creaciones Joviar, S.L., (Spain), Isle Utilities BV, (Netherlands) Webpage: https://lifewaste2coag.com |
Project reference number: LIFE20 ENV/CY/000615 Project title: Demonstration of an innovative method for the detoxification of pharmaceutical wastewater from pharmaceutical facilities Project acronym: LIFE PHARMA-DETOX Year: 2020 Amount of the EU co-financing: 1,837,507 EUR Duration: 01/09/2021-31/08/2025 Names of partners: MEDOCHEMIE LTD. - MEDOCHEMIE (Cyprus), AARHUS UNIVERSITY - AU (Denmark), CYPRUS UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY – CUT, NEVIS – NOVEL ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS S.A. (Greece), NATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS – NTUA(Greece), UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI CATANIA – UNICT (Italy) Webpage: https://pharmadetox.eu/ |
ReBirth |
Project reference number: LIFE10INF/SI/138 Project title: Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry Project acronym: ReBirth Year: 2010 Amount of the EU co-financing: 422,772 EUR Duration: 01/10/2011 - 31/12/2014 Names of partners: Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute (coordinating beneficiary), Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia, Primorje, PKG, Klaro, Mayer McCann, Structum Webpage: http://en.re-birth.eu/ |
Project reference number: LIFE12ENV/SI/000443 Project title: Nanoremediation of water from small waste water treatment plants and reuse of water and solid remains for local needs Project acronym: LIFE RusaLCA Year: 2012 Amount of the EU co-financing: 426,192 EUR Duration: 01/07/2013-31/12/2016 Names of partners: Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute (coordinating beneficiary), Esplanada d.o.o., Jozef Stefan Insitute, Obcina Šentrupert, Structum d.o.o., Vekton d.o.o., The National Laboratory of Health, Environment and Food Webpage: http://www.rusalca.si/en/ |
Project reference number: LIFE12 ENV/ES/000901 Project title: Zero Liquid Discharge desalination: brine treatment based on electrodialysis metathesis and valuable compound recovery Project acronym: LIFE+ ZELDA Year: 2012 Amount of the EU co-financing: 1,021,775 EUR Duration: 01/07/2013-30/06/2017 Names of partners: EURECAT (formerly Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic) (coordinating beneficiary), Abengoa Water S.L.U., Spain FUJIFILM Manufacturing Europe BV, The Netherlands WssTPEuropean Water Supply and Sanitation Technology Platform AIBL, Belgium Webpage: http://life-zelda.eu/en |
Project reference number: LIFE13 ENV/ES/000970 Project title: Decreasing the environmental impact of waste management: An innovative leachate treatment using recovered membranes Project acronym: LIFE RELEACH Year: 2013 Amount of the EU co-financing: 1,069,986 EUR Duration: 01/07/2014-30/11/2017 Names of partners: EURECAT (formerly Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic) (coordinating beneficiary), ARC(AGÈNCIA DE RESIDUS DE CATALUNYA), Spain PROTECMED(PROCESOS TÉCNICOS MEDIOAMBIENTALES, S.L), Spain CBGR(CONSORCI DEL BAGES PER A LA GESTIÓ DE RESIDUS), Spain TECNOMA(TECNOMA S.A.), Spain Webpage: http://releach.ctm.com.es/en |
LIFE+ InSiTrate |
Project reference number: LIFE12 ENV/ES/000651 Project title: In-situ treatment technology for drinking water production from nitratepolluted groundwater Project acronym: LIFE+ InSiTrate Year: 2012 Amount of the EU co-financing: 590,841 EUR Duration: 01/07/2013-30/06/2017 Names of partners: EURECAT (formerly Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic) (coordinating beneficiary), Amphos 21 Consulting S.L., Spain Catalana de Perforacions S.A., Spain Webpage: http://insitrate.ctm.com.es/en |
Project reference number: LIFE14 ENV/ES/00025 Project title: LIFE FOUNDRYTILE - Valorisation of the fine fraction and foundry sand in the production of ceramic tiles Year: 2014 Amount of the EU co-financing: 722,884 EUR Duration: 03/09/ 2015-31/08/2018 Names of partners: EURECAT (formerly Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic) (coordinating beneficiary), Asociación de Fundidores del País Vasco y Navarra, Asociación de Investigación de las Industrias Cerámicas, Asociaci ón Española de Fabricantes de Azulejos y Pavimentos Cerámicos, EUROATOMIZADO, S.A. |
Project reference number: LIFE14 ENV/ES/000460 Project title: LIFE ECORKWASTE - Integrated and sustainable management of cork waste generated in the cork industry Year: 2014 Amount of the EU co-financing: 1,087,756 EUR Duration: 01/09/2015-31/12/2018 Names of partners: UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA (coordinating beneficiary), ICSURO(Institut Catala del Suro CCT), Spain TYPSA(TÉCNICA Y PROYECTOS SA), Spain INNOVI(INNOVI), Spain, EURECAT (formerly Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic), Spain |
Project reference number: LIFE15 ENV/ES/000480 Project title: LIFE REWATCH - Demonstration of an innovative recycling scheme to increase the water efficiency in the petrochemical industry Year: 2015 Amount of the EU co-financing: 1,586,556 eur Duration: 01/09/2016-31/12/2019 Names of partners: EURECAT (formerly Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic) (coordinating beneficiary), WssTP - EUROPEAN WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION TECHNOLOGY PLATFORM AIBL, Belgium VEOLIA WATER SYSTEMS IBÉRICA, S.L.U., Spain KWR Water B.V., The Netherlands DOW CHEMICAL IBÉRICA S.L., Spain |
Project reference number: LIFE11 ENV/ES/000626 Project title: LIFE REMEMBRANE - Recovery of reverse osmosis membranes at the end of its life Year: 2011 Amount of the EU co-financing: 950,383 EUR Duration: 01/09/2012-30/12/2015 Names of partners: AQUALIA, Gestión Integral del Agua, S.A. (coordinating beneficiary), LEITAT Technological Center TECNOMA S.A., AMBICAT Consulting S.L.L. Agència de Residus de Catalunya, Grupo TYPSA |