This project is cofounded by the Life project number: LIFE18 ENV/SI/000673.
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Second consortium meeting of the LIFE HIDAQUA project

Date: 10. 06. 2020

Location: ZAG, Ljubljana

The second consortium meeting of the LIFE HIDAQUA project took place on 10 June 2020 in ZAG. ZAG is the lead stakeholder - project coordinator, consisting of 5 associated stakeholders - project partners (HIDRIA, Geology Idrija, Jožef Stefan Institute and Spanish partners Eurecat Institute and HidroQuimia from Barcelona. Due to COVID-19 restrictions Spanish partners were participating through video, while representatives from Slovenian partners were gathered at ZAG.

The purpose of the consortium meeting was to review the ongoing activities at the level of preparatory actions, preparation of a plan to mitigate the negative effects of the coronavirus epidemic on the implementation of the project and a meeting with the project supervisor authorized by EASME.

